One more day to go til the weekend

Feb 22, 2007 07:27

I'm a little behind on my posting.  I was going to write a few days ago about the weekend since it was actually fairly busy and worthy of being written about, but work has been crazy and I just haven't felt like writing from home.

I'll start with the work front.  I really, really need to find a new job.  My co-worker may come back monday.  yay.  :P  My boss has taken equivalent to two sicks days in the last week, plus leaving early almost every day last week.  Then I find out that he's traveling in March right around busy time.  Nice of him to let me go to this conference this year.  I get to go to a training in April near Boston, but that's probably the only traveling I'll get to do. If I'm still here, I'm going to try and talk them into letting me go to Orlando in October since I won't be allowed to go to the annual conference on the software that I use that he has no clue how to use :P  So fun.  as always.

Weekend.  Wow.  what can I say.  We went to dinner at The Classroom on Saturday night for
knisha's stepmother's birthday.  It was really nice.  I had lobster bisque and a mahi fish for dinner.  Desert was a turtle crepe.  Excellent.  but typical fancy in that they don't give you enough food.  We went to his parents house after dinner to visit with them and his sister who was in from Florida.  She had good news.  Pete and I are going to have a new neice or nephew about mid summer.  Sunday was his grandparent's 60th anniversary.  It was an awesome occasion.  We went to mass and then the priest did a blessing afterwards where they renewed their vows.  Then there was a reception.  Pete gave the toast.  They had a sugar free cake, which his grandparents cut and did the feeding of the cake to each other.  The food was good and it was great to see a marriage last so long in today's day and age.  I'm glad we got to celebrate it with them.  I have pics that  i need to download at some point.  After the party we went back to his parents house and watched the Daytona 500.  My driver didn't win, but what can ya do.  We got home around 8:45 or so.  Monday we went to lunch at Shorty's and shopping with his stepmom and sisters.  Then we went to Sarris's and had ice cream.  We also had pizza with them for dinner :)  So we didn't get home til late on Monday either.  So it was a busy and full weekend.

I had a cross sticth finish-which I need to post pics from as well.  And now I'm working on a cross-stitch baby quilt, so everything else will be on hold again for awhile.  But I am looking forward to my quilt retreat in a couple of weeks.  Maybe I'll get the top done there so that at least that will be a partial finish.

I've read a bunch of books I need to do reviews on and probably a couple of movies-but I think I need to go back and read previous entries so I don't cross post anything.  I also have some music to babble about later.  But unfortunately, since I'm at work and its going to be yet another busy day-I will have to do that at a later date.  I may be spending more time here because they finally got around to firewalling, so no more misbehaving for me.  I am deathly bored some days, but yesterday at lunch I cross stitched the quilt a little and I read a little.  so guess I'll go back to more constructive pursuits.  I am finding I am getting restless with playing LoGD so that's a good sign.  I can't wait for spring to get here so that I can get outside more.

That was another thing I wanted tp post about.  I hate this time of year.  Man eating potholes.  I hit a huge one the other day!  And I am trying to avoid all the little ones that form.  You think someone would create an asphalt that doesn't form potholes!  And there have been a ton of water main breaks lately too because of this freezing and thawing.  Its supposed to be cold and snow again later today :(  I thought we were getting an early spring?

Okay-I must be going.  I'll post pics and stuff when I get them downloaded and do my reviews in a future post.

Have a GREAT day and as always, thanks for reading.

family gatherings, logd, reviews, work, cross stitch

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