Oct 06, 2008 17:36
So I found out today that the company I work for, Brasher's, spent $200,000 in support if proposition 8. Now, I know they're all mormons and of course can spend their money however they want, but its still a dick move. Here is the kicker though.
Another company that they do business with spent $100,000 supporting NO on proposition 8. Brasher's is now thinking about not doing business with this other company anymore. Now I understand ethics and all that, but its not like this other company is employing children or something. They're supporting what they think is right, it affects business not at all.
(If you don't know proposition 8 is to amend the california constitution to specify that marriage is only allowed between a man and a women. Thus NO on 8 means your are for gay marriage. Yes on 8 means you're against gay marriage).
It really makes me wonder, they already have a history of breaking labor laws or at least bending them to the limit. Firing people for illegal reasons, but covering it up so it looks like they were fired for something else. I really wonder if they would like to fire employees because they are gay? I know legally they can't, but do they want to? Would they try to? Would they cover that up to?
You don't want to do business with someone because they support gay marriage, because it goes against your religion. So is it too far off to think you wouldn't want a gay man or woman working for you because their lifestyle is against your religion?
This scares the hell out of me and makes me so angry. I would love to get another job, but I need to pay bills and I know of nothing available right now. The sooner I get out the better though.