(no subject)

Jun 01, 2007 11:07

So I'm back from Palm Springs. Actually, I was Monday night, but was just too lazy to post. Anyhow, I saw two movies down there, but I won't go into huge detail because I don't really care anymore haha.

Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - B+. I know a lot of people hated this movie, but I actually found it thoroughly confusing. If it had been a.) half as long b.) half as confusing, I would have LOVED it. But oh well.

Music and Lyrics - B. Really cute at times and I love Hugh Grant, but towards the end it became the typical romantic comedy. And the songs were stuck in my head for like three days, argh.

So yesterday was a day of ups and downs, so to speak. Basically, my friends kinda sucked but akldjfdfklj I love my teachers (and coaches). All of them. I'll start with the bad first.

So basically I have about four groups of friends going to Europe this summer. Guess how many groups I was invited to? That's right. None. And I know I sound bitter, but I guess I'm just a little ticked off that this one group especially, one that I've become a lot closer to these past couple months, didn't even ask me. Anyhow, last night I was hanging out with that group of people and they started talking about Europe for like ten minutes. Since I'm the only person not going, I just kinda sat there waiting for them to finish. But then at one point they started talking about this other girl who's pissed that they didn't invite her, and I was thisclose to saying, "OK guys, this is getting to be a little awkward, I'm going to go." I should have, actually. But whatever, they suck.

Yesterday was the awards ceremony at our school. Everything was going fine, a little bit boring, but then Andy (i.e. my English teacher who I have an inappropriately large crush on) came to the podium. He says, "OK guys, sorry, the faculty have this game of Taboo going on that they have to finish, then we'll return to the awards." So here I am actually thinking that they're finishing up some game of Taboo and then he says something along the lines of , "This person is always really generous and there to help!" And one of my teachers yells out "Cameron Scherer!" I was like jigga what now? And it kept going and he listed off the usual things that they say for awards but then he also mentioned that I walk really fast down the hallways, that I have a freakish love of sitcoms ("Friends! The Office! Cheers!"), and that I once told my math teacher (jokingly, of course) to get "the freak [except, with more explitives] out of my way." Then he called me up to the podium and said that they'll miss me next year and adklfjadskfjkal;fd I got to give him a hug. PRETTY AWESOME. After the awards, Mr. Scott (hottest teacher on campus) came up to me and told me it was his idea for Andy to add all the hand gestures I always make, so yay. And I had like twenty people come up to me yesterday and tell me that was their favorite award. Also, I won Most Inspirational for Basketball! That's nice, considering I never ever played lol.

Wow, I didn't intend to write a novel. If anybody reads this I'll be shocked.

squee, wtf, movie review, school

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