Thursday Night TV on Sunday

May 20, 2007 23:56

So, late Sunday night isn't too late for my thoughts on Thursday night TV shows, is it? Good.

I've had some time to think about both Grey's Anatomy and The Office, and my musings behind the cuts.

Since Thursday, the episode has definitely grown on me. I'm overall satisfied with the ending (Jim/Pam-wise). I just really, really, really wish they had become a bit closer towards the end of S3, and that Pam's confession speech had come several hours earlier. That way I don't think things would have seemed as rushed and forced at the end as they did. But what's done is done. What still bothers me though is:

1a.) Jan's sudden insanity / Michael's sudden dislike (going back to Women's Appreciation) of his relationship with Jan - I miss the Jan that was so career driven, professional to a tee, but cracking under the edges, and I miss

2.) Ryan getting the job - Even though my dad says an MBA can actually help that much, I still find it implausible and very forced. And 3.)

3.) The writers' inability to handle Karen properly - It seems like they couldn't decide what to do with her, so they decided to make her both cute enough that we finally saw some of Jim and Karen's relationship, but bitchy enough that we saw that she's no Pam. Personally, I think Jim/Pam would be MUCH more effective if we could see why Jim chose Pam despite having Karen as a great girlfriend, rather than finally picking her because Karen's suddenly become so unlikeable.

Oh and, btw, Stanley wins. Not just for this episode, but for all of S3. "...the same ratio as unicorns to leprechauns." WIN. Forever.

So I think we all know Grey's pretty much blew, no matter which way you look at it. It's just that...nothing happened. I understand wanting to have cliffhanger endings, but usually those involve some plot development. Here's a rundown of each storyline:

-Derek/Meredith - Rollercoaster much? I hate Derek, I love Meredith. I love Derek, I'm frustrated to no end with Meredith. I sympathize with them both. But then again, not really. Lame.

-Cristina/Burke - Uhhhhhhhhh WHAT? Why exactly did he leave? I'm still not quite sure what tf his logic was there. All I can say is that the ONE scene of this episode that I liked was Cristina's breakdown in the apartment (Sandra Oh deserves a billion Emmys for that one scene alone), and it shouldn't have even happened. But my God, if it had to happen, I'm so glad it happened the way it did. It was both painful and heartbreaking to watch, in just the right way. God, I love Sandra Oh.

-George/Callie/Izzie - Shut up, Izzie. And Geoge. ILU Callie, tacky as it was to rub everything in Izzie's face.

-Richard/Adele - Aw. I'm glad she didn't die. The one good storyline.

-Race for Chief - Ha, I knew it would be some cop out. I was right.

-Alex/Rebecca/Ava - I never thought I would root for them to be together, but I was SO MAD when he didn't give her a reason. That was actually a really sweet speech by her. She's not back next year, is she? Because now I want her and Alex together. Screw Alex/Izzie, he's too good for Izzie.

The rest I just don't care about. We'll see if I'm back for the fall.

Speaking of Thursday night TV, I bought Cheers S5 for myself as a getting into college/finishing APs gift and ohmyGod is it awesome. I've cried at least once, out of sheer awesomeness. I'm getting a little worried that the finale is approaching though, because I honestly can't imagine how hard I'll sob.

cheers, the office, grey's anatomy

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