Alright. So I've had a night to let my thougts marinate. Granted, it was a rather sleepless night considering I started my English homework at around midnight, but that's beside the point. What I concluded was two things:
Seriously, Friends is my only "fandom" (I don't like that word for some reason) in which my OTPs seem to work out. Yes, The OC as I know it ended with Sandy/Kirsten and Seth/Summer as happy as ever, and yes, there are times when these two couples have been my favorite of the show. But when it comes down to it, Ryan and Marissa were the couple that pulled me in in the first place. And they didn't even get any closure! Season 3 was the lamest of all for these two, and even though exchanging "I love you"s last night would have been way overdramatic, Marissa's ending just seemed so bland for them. Way to go, JS, in ruining my favorite couple of the show. I thought The OC wouldn't be like HP or Cheers, and I'd actually get the happy ending I wanted, romance-wise.
Also, they should've ended the show this season. Why? So many reasons. My reasoning used to be, how awkward is it to end the show after three years of HS and then just one of college? Now, think of how rounded the show could've been. Mischa wouldn't have felt any need to leave, and the show could've ended on a slightly cheesy (all three couples good and well) but I'm sure meaningful note. Now you've got the incredible and impossible task of dealing with Marissa's death while shipping off characters around the world. Plus, let these actors go do something with their lives before they get typecast! It's already happened to poor Adam Brody, and keeping them on this struggling show much longer certainly won't help.
Oh, and the one good thing I'll say about last night is that the show had pretty good music. The Imogen + Hallelujah combo was a bit weird, but for the most part, I liked every song they played.