Life in technicolor

Jan 24, 2009 20:13

Ive been very busy lately with work, work again and studying, it's exhausting, I'm exhausted but I try my best. Thinking I will work tomorrow morning makes me feel even more tired. Oh god I need holidays!!!!
I bought tickets for The Fray gig on february 10th in London but my stupid boss refused to give me 2days off so I had to sell them (oh shit) but my buyer is the lovelycruzh so I'm fine with this cause she's a nice irl and a huge fan of the guys...I am pleased I sold them to her. Talking about gigs I'll see Coldplay on September, my bestfriend and I took tickets, they were expensive but we both so wanted to go + we were disappointed for not going in London so we needed a revenge!!! We won that fight!!!!
I am looking for a nice american person to be able to buy-sell and send me two copies of The Fray new album as we can't order it from here, I'veheard aout a deluxe edition and I so need it!!!!!!!!!! and as my BFF is a crazy chick she needs one too !
I've spent Thursday evening with her, it had been a long time since we've seen each other, she lives a bit far from me and we have differentscheldule which don't allow us to meet as we did in the last 4years (I mean everyday for 4years), I have to say that I missed her, even if we call each other every week, it's just different...we had a blast, we talked about The fray news, and silly things, about work, about guys, aboutfashion, and non sense. We had a burito dinner and tapas and faritas and MARGARITAS. I guess we got a bit crazy on tequilla cause we had the bottle just for us. The only thing I can say is that we laughed a lot.
We need to meet again soon, she's like a sister to me and I miss the awesome times we used to spent...cherish your friends cause they are gold.

There's something I don't understand with facebook, I've uplaod a lot of photos when I joined and it seems that most of them have disappeared...WEIRD???? too lazy to uplaod them again though

Sorry this entry is a bit random but I have a million things to sya but not a lot of time. See you next time.

life, misc

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