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Hope everyone is doing well. I’d like you to meet someone who’s become very special in my life (all images can be clicked on to view full resolution):
Say hello to my 1996 Mazda 626. 5 speed manual, sunroof (that doesn’t completly work), and buttons! It’s in need of a bit of repair, but most of that’s getting done tommarow.
It has some wonderful stickers:
Yes, the previous owner was definetly a hippie. The car smells of hemp. I kinda like it though, hope the smell doesn’t disappear…
Teh rear bumper:
Oh yes, the first thing i did was add a solarfest sticker. Then I got paranoid and used photoshop to hide the licsense plate number…
All in all, a very nice car. I was grinning from ear to ear when I took it for a test drive. Liked it very much. Been on the road alot, been up north and down south and even out west. Still runs, and it makes me happy. Especially the remote and the sunroof