May 06, 2005 07:22
The Interview-Me Meme!
Leave a comment and I will interview you. You can interview me again if you like, I like being interviewed.
1. How did you end up where you are now? My best friend was filling out the paperwork for her own exchange-student trip to Japan, and she started talking about how wonderful it would be if we could go together. Of course, this made me all starry-eyed, but when I realised that it was, in fact, an impossibility, I still thought the exchange-thing sounded cool. So I filled out my own form and told the lady that I would like to go to, respectively: Italy, Peru, Argentina, or Denmark. She called me back a week later and told me that my essay was the best she had ever, ever read and she was so excited that I'd be an exchange student, except she wondered what I thought about Thailand? I was too scared that they'd refuse me entirely if I said "no", so instead I just said "Thailand???!!" several times, and eventually said "...okay, yeah", and then I caught a plane and it's been pretty good so far.
2. What was your first fandom, and why did you fall in love with it? Harry Potter! Because it's... Harry Potter. The magic! The characters! So very fun! Plus I was nine-and-a-half when I read it, so there was a year and a half of mad hoping.
3. What will you dream about ten years from now? The little girls are all dressed in white tights and mary-jane shoes are gossiping with one another about their love lives; the plaintive little sighs blend into a swingy jazz tune and I'm whirling across the floor in blood-red satin - I can't be stopped. A scarecrow tips his hat to me, and I smile and whisper him the secret to swift-chocolate torte.
4. You're stuck in a snowed in cabin, and it's cold and boring. You can have with you a) a tv/dvd player and a dvd (of your choice), b) a book, or c) pen and paper. What do you choose, and why? The book. It lasts longer than the DVD, and while I'd like a pen and paper, restlessness does not breed creativity.
5. If you could go back and relive one period of your life, what would you choose? The bit where I was about 7 years old. That was the best year ever. I loved school, family life was peachy, and it was all just too cool. But I think I'll have better years coming up, so I'd rather save the re-living part for a while.