OOC meme

Aug 20, 2008 01:50

Keeping it going because it's a great idea!

Name a handful of people you RP with, read, or have heard of. Say something positive, a reason why you like their characters, or the players. Anything that is constructive, positive, and better than the general: <3!!

Okay, here we go!

trey_times!mun: You and I go way back. We know how the other works which makes for amazing amazing role play. You are so cool, and a great writer. So fun. You know I always have a blast playing with you. It's like our characters can always find a way to click. I'd probably go insane without ya.

notmybest!mun: We've been through a lot of shit together huh? I don't know why you still put up with my crap. I wouldn't. Anyway, I know you don't play him much, but I love Bryan. He's an interesting character who I would love to know more about for sure. In addition to that, you know I love everyone else you play as well. They've all got little pieces of my muses hearts. :)

le_gamin!mun: Oh honey. What can I even say about the crack you are made of? It's the best time, and I always have so much fun playing together. Arthur is an amazing characters along with all the others. You always make me laugh and are free of OOC drama. You have no idea how important that is. You. Are. SO. Freaking amazing. Ilu. <3

anson_greene!mun: Gah YOU!! I love you so much! Your RPing far succeeds my own I'll tell you that much. Anson is wonderful you know I love him to death! Salem loves the crap out of him, you are just one of the coolest people I've come across in a long time. I'm so glad that we started talking and became such good friends. *Hugs* Don't ever change!

silenziosa_odio!mun: *Tackles you.* We've had some fun huh? :D Like I told you before, Percy is such an amazingly thought out character, and its obvious that tons of work went into creating him. Alex? Such a cutie. VAIN but adorable. And tons of fun to play against. You're so sweet, and I love our chats on AIM. So, I just wanna know WHERE MY WEDDING RING IS HMMM? ;)

purebredgal!mun: You, You, You, *tackle glomps* You know I love the crap outta you. Well, you better anyway. Li is so fun. I mean, come on, she sent Salem a stuffed monkey!!! He adores his Li~ and I adore you!! You make me smile TONS. So, thank you for that.

zee_ali!mun: Oh God, theres not enough words sweetie. First off, Zee is such an interesting character. I love reading her, and playing with her, which I have. A lot. On multiple multiple characters. And they all seem to get along. Which is WIN in itself. Also, I want to thank you for helping me though a lot of crap lately. I really, really appreciate it. You are an amazing person. And you know that if you ever need a shoulder, I'm here like you were for me.

colonelinblack!mun: Oh YOU. My soultwin. You need to get out of my head. I love your characters. They are all awesome and the ones I play with all have their own rooms with decorative fuzzy blankets and pillows in my heart. Love them, and love you.

bluecommander!mun: Sweetie Sweetie Sweetie! We only just met not too long ago, but I think you are amazing!! I love Rachel, and Billy always has a great time talking to her. Interesting interesting stuff! I think she's a solid character, and the way you play her makes her that much cooler. Keep it up. I heart the crap outta you! <3

cheerful_blues!mun: I know you retired Ollie, and everything, but I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for all the fun I had playing with him. You're a wonderful RPer, and I always felt so comfortable RPing with you. We need to RP more than we do. Seriously, you're amazing.

andrewsmiller!mun: Our Rp is such crack. But I love it that way. I always have a great time with you. We need to RP more! You best make it happen! Don't make me crack the whip! Love Andrew. Come on, boy who turns into the most freakin' adorable snake I've ever seen? Love.

sweetsalome!mun: Ah~ hunny~ we haven't RPed in what feels like forever! I miss you so much! Salome is amazing. Salem misses talking to his WIFEY! <3 And I miss talking to you.

bittenhand!mun: Hey chica. We go back a while huh? You'll always be my Ana. No, I'm not into the fandom anymore, as I only dabble. But you are amazing at every character I have ever seen you play. And even though Sawyer isn't really around anymore, your Ana still has a place in his... ya know.. heart... I swear its there somewhere. ;)

alloy_avenger!mun: Ohhhhhhhhh hi. :D You know I love Hank. I always welcome the crack he brings, and he makes me giggle at times which is good. I've been lacking giggles lately, so thank you. At the same time, he is serious in pretty much all the right moments. You're super cool and I love playing with you!!

alexis_not_alex!mun: I know you don't play Alexis with me anymore, but I want you to know how much I loved her character anyway. Always love playing with you. We don't do it as often as we should, but hopefully that'll change soon I know you're a busy person. Just wanted to remind you how much I heart you.

thelaundrygirl!mun: We've played a few times on a few different characters, and it has gone more than well each time. Love your character interpretations, and always enjoy talking to you.

campjesus!mun: Brody is insanely cracktastic I can barely keep up. ;) We've had our cracky RPs that have gone in circles, and thats what made it fun. Because running in circles is fun. <3 Salem also says Brody is never getting his child support.

blazing_storm!mun: Our characters are drawn to each others tags like magnets, or were there for a while. You are a great RPer, and holy effin' crap you're fun to talk to. I heart you my little crumpet!!

I'm so tired. I hope I didn't forget anyone. Seriously though, Everyone I RP with is great. You guys make my free time fun and exciting!! So, yes, thank you to anyone I have ever had a thread with, you guys make my life a little more bearable. <3

ooc, zomg: meme

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