Unemployment is going really well so far. It's tricky to get the hang of it. Like this morning I woke at 6 and got all annoyed about having to get up for work...and then I realized that it's both Saturday AND I have no job to go to. I fell back to sleep, victoriously.
Last night I saw a bunch of bands with my awesome new friend
madeleine_starr. We have Top Secret Plans up our sleeves ;-) I loved
The Blue Bloods and
Sonic Bomb! Both of these bands had a female musician somewhere in the lineup, which made us super happy. And we ate delicious cheap Indian food. GOOD TIMES!
The other day on the T, I overheard two college kids playing a game called "Fuck, Chuck, or Marry". You think of three people you know of the preferred gender and ask your partner to make the decision: who to fuck, who to chuck, who to marry? It's interesting and it's great for making people squirm.
Try it!