TITLE: It's the little things you do together...
ncruuk RATING: PG
DISCLAIMERS: The showbelongs to the people that own Hospital Central - I just wrote down some daydreaming... oh, and invented a couple of characters to help with the plot. The Youtube video was put together by Rachelm42 - please do her the courtesy of visiting her on youtube and enjoying her wonderful labours as well as seeing who her collaborators were....
FANDOMS & PAIRINGS: Hospital Central (Maca/Esther)
SPOILERS: Actually, none, since this story starts at the very beginning of Maca and Esther, literally... (s8)
REASON FOR WRITING: I watched rachelm42's clips one day when I was snow-bound and it sparked an idea... and, as is my wont, I started writing. This, I think is a one-shot with a natural conclusion, although, as we all know, muses are funny things...
SUMMARY: It's the little things you do together that you tell your friends about that let them know who you've fallen for long before you let yourself in on the secret...
READING INSTRUCTIONS: Watch Rachelm42's excellent video which is the Maca/Esther scenes at the start of season 8 (with English subtitles). At various points, pause the video and read the next section of the fic until you have run out of fic!
Fake Cut to LJ to read the fic and watch the vid