Road to Nowhere

May 30, 2011 03:22

Title: Road to Nowhere
Fandom: CSI: NY
Characters/pairings: Mac Taylor & Stella Bonasera, pre-relationship or friendship
Prompt: Road to Nowhere
Words: 833
Warnings/spoilers: Refers vaguely to things in season 5 and prior to, Angst
Rating: FRT for general themes
Summary: Stella is losing herself after events catch up with her and haunt her, so she drives out into the night.

Disclaimer: These characters belong to writers, Anthony Zuiker and CBS et al. I don't own them. No copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: Written for getyourwordsout  January Spontaneous Challenge 2011 ‘Choose-a-Title-Challenge’, where you write your fic to a list of titles. So the title is the prompt. Not betaed, any mistakes mine.

( Click for fic )
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