Idiot alert.

Feb 26, 2008 14:42

I ordered Bare Study off the MAC website because the PRO store I frequent is constantly out.  Yay, hooray, woo and all that crap when it gets here.  BUT I CAN'T GET THE DAMNED THING OPEN.  Anyone else have this problem with their stupid paint pots?  I feel like an absolute nut banging the lid edges on the counter and slapping its bottom with the bottom of my hand like a pickle jar but this stupid thing will not give to me it's champagney painty goodness.

Please tell me there's a solution rather than smashing the offending little shit on the ground and trying to salvage the bits that don't get stuck in glass. :(


Edit:  I got it open.  Seriously, I just about beat this thing up trying. I beat it on the counter, with a butterknife, stuck it in a plastic bag and ran it under hot water.. NADA. I even have these latex coated cloth gloves I use to make fortune cookies and those things didn't even work. Only thing I hadn't tried yet was
lookslikehell's suggestion.  Soooo, I threw it at the floor and you know what? As soon as I picked it up, it popped right open. I was like... "you have got to be kidding me." I guess if I buy more, I'm throwing them all at the floor now. lol.  Thanks a lot for the opening jars for dummies advice.  Those tiny but wide little pains in the ass are the bane of my existance sometimes. 
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