Mikey likes it

Mar 02, 2020 08:49

As a new bar (or gastropub, as mother insists on calling it.  And I'm a chef, not a line cook.  The denial is strong in this one), we get a TON of samples from vendors.    They get divided among the staff.  I suggested we keep a notebook of reviews, so we have an idea of what we potentially order for the singles case and bottle shop portion of the bar.  Big bossman loved the idea.  Go, me!

That being said, there are inevitably poor, sad, lonely ciders, hard seltzers, canned "cocktails" and "weird" beers that no one wants to touch.  It has now become "Give it to Alicia.  She might actually like it."

I am the Mickey of my store.  GREEEEAT.

I am honest in my reviews, and kind of having fun with it.  Part of me wanted to be a food critic for about a minute and a half, so this is a great outlet.  Plus, freebies!  And stuff that I wouldn't usually buy and/or can't afford.  I've discovered I really like sour beers (which shouldn't be a surprise, because I love all things sour.  But I never *could* warm up to that whole lime in a Corona thing, so I just assumed I wouldn't like anything sour, beerwise.  I was wrong).

My proudest moment of last week was the guys at the bar (called "beertenders."  How twee is that?) laughing over the notebook.  I was prepping when GymBunnie popped his head around the corner and said "Did you really describe [redacted] as 'tastes like Spring Break when you're 19 with a fake ID, minus the regrettable hookups'?"

I rolled my eyes.  "Considering I'm the only one in this joint who still writes in cursive, what do YOU think?"

Cue hysterical laughter from the front.  *massive eyeroll*

They're still cutting hours, because we're just not seeing the business during the day.  I'm hoping March Madness (and more advertising) will help with that, but I'm looking for a second gig, just in case.  It's hard to ignore my FB memories from a year ago, when I was so excited and positive about HRG...and the place is now shuttered, and I'm working with two of my former coworkers from there.  Ouch.  I heard a rumor about a new place opening nearby, but they require a nine day training period...and I just can't leave my place in a lurch like that.  Of course, you're going to lose a good portion of your opening stuff in the first month or so, so I'll be keeping my eye on that.

The good part of the cutting hours thing is that I WILL BE OFF SATURDAY!  AND SUNDAY!  (I'm always off Sundays, but I can't remember the last time I had an actual weekend off.  And it's a post-payday, non-rent-paying weekend, no less).  What makes it even better is that Kent has Saturday off....annnnnnd it's the UNC/Duke game, which means we can just stay home and hide.  If I were a server, I'd be pissed over the missed opportunity for tips.  As it stands, I'm just glad for the missed opportunity for a new ulcer.

I figure I'll do the grocery run after work Friday (I will not let that man loose in a grocery store unchaproned on a payday.  And that's not sexism or stereotyping;  that is living together for almost 12 years and knowing the damage he can do to our checking account when he's feeling flush and excited about the prospect of a whole day where we can just cook together).   I know we'll have to watch the game (*sigh*  I support the 'Heels, but remember that whole ulcer thing...?  They SUCK this season), but I suggested breaking out the Rick and Morty Munchkin set to celebrate the fact that we FINALLY got the R&M Loot Crate we ordered back in...October?

Talk about delayed gratification.

Okay, off to throw supper in the crockpot (creamy chicken and veggies.  Still tring to decide if I want to put it over rice or egg noodles, but I've got time for that).  What's up with the rest of y'all?
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