What's an iddy iddy?

Feb 04, 2009 12:28

So, this Monday on the ferry back from Vancouver, there was a guy with some rather large headphones. Or at least they looked like headphones, from the volume and clarity of the music coming from them, I wondered if they weren't just speakers strapped on top of his ears.

He was tall, lanky, scruffy, and had that look about him that either suggested he had made 40 without ever growing past high school developmentally, or was in his 20's and had imbibed way to many mind- and body-altering substances. I'd guess it was a combination.

At least the ferry was pulling into the dock, and I wouldn't have to put up with him for long. Or so I thought.

A couple minutes later, and all the foot passengers are standing out on the deck, mostly keeping a respectful distance from the rope & webbing barrier that's meant to keep people back from where the gangway drops. Up walks this guy, pushing through to the front of the crowd... and he steps over the barrier and stand right in front of where the walkway comes down.

Yeah, that was my reaction.

Eventually the BC Ferries employee walks over and asks his to step back across the barrier. After yelling "What?" and removing his headphone, the... "fellow" in question starts arguing with him. "Is it really going to make a difference if I stand here? Will it make you feel better? Just lower the thing so we can ****ing get off." etc.

I turned to Janice and asked, "What's an iddy iddy?" and she barely managed to keep a straight face.

After a few seconds of this, the BCF employee walks back over to the doors to the bow section, and picks up his radio. Seeing a superior through the door, he motions to him and asks him to come over. The supervisor comes pokes his head through the doors and asks the man to step back over the barrier. The man again starts with the 'does it make a difference / do I really need to' routine and the supervisor says, "Yes, it's procedure and they're not allowed to lower the walkway until you step back over."

Finally, Bobby-Joe complies and steps back over, although he can't do so without making SOME kind of witty face-saving remark and fires off an "Alright, just for you. Just 'cause (pause for actual thinking time) yer so CUTE." Then he leans over to me and says, "Geez, what a goof, eh?" I *barely* manage not to say, "That's just what I was thinking." I don't think he'd have gotten it, but he might have noticed the DRIPPING sarcasm I would have said it with, and I really just wanted him back over the barrier so we could finally get the **** off the boat.

Meanwhile, as the BCF employee saunters about opening the gate for the gangway and securing it once it's lowered, our friend with the strap-on PA system continues saying things like, "Glad I'm a welder. For $10 an hour you can do this, too." and so forth.

Lord, have pity!


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