May 03, 2006 15:18
The Sun
Sun in Scorpio:
Your Sun-sign rules your colon, prostate gland (if male), and reproduction. These areas of your body are in proximity to your second of Spleen Chakra. Your Spleen Chakra is ruled by Pluto (for reproduction), and also by the Moon (which rules the emotional side of sexuality). So, in order to keep healthy you need to maintain a positive and accepting attitude towards your deepest feelings and your sexuality. You need to accept your body as well as your emotions. If you have any blocks to doing this, you need to delve deeply into the reasons for this and unravel them. First, you need to acknowledge any underlying negative beliefs you may have about yourself, then affirm the positive beliefs which would be the opposite to those, and then become established in the new life-affirming beliefs.
In order to keep bringing in the positive healing, Source energy, you need to keep the parts of your body healthy which the Sun rules, namely your heart and the vertebra of your spine. You also need to ensure that your pancreas and your endocrine glands as a whole are given the right nutrients for their proper functioning. As your thoughts become purer and revitalized, your ideas will become healthier too, and your overall health and reproductive power will increase.
Venus in Sagittarius:
Venus rules your Heart Chakra and Sagittarius rules your thighs and sciatic nerve, which are in the areas of your body near your Root Chakra. The lesson in love for you is to bring all of that wonderful inspiration into the everyday world, where it can make a practical difference to even the very survival of yourself and others. Begin by looking within and learning how to love yourself. Practice affirmations for positive self-esteem. Then you will have the basis of how to love others and bring optimism and prosperity into their lives.