(no subject)

Dec 24, 2001 02:02

yeah.......so i'm drunk.....i wasn't......but now i am. I have learned an important lesson today. I suck. That is it. The more I feel the more i am hurt. I want to be alone, away from all that can hurt me, just hanging out and being me, but the other half crys out from the darkness, seeking, seeking someone to love, the one person to love. I know True Love exists, and if you look hard enough you can find it, but its not easy, you must make sacrafices, for true love is what you make of it. I don't know what i want anymore, lost again i seek my home, amoung my solitude i find hope. Why am I so happy in my own mind, away from all others. Why when I go out i feel a disjointed lack of brotherhood with my fellow man. I am not better than any of them, i used to think i was. But now i know. The people who go to the bar every weekend, they are better than me, they know how to have fun. My idea of fun is being by myself watching anime feeling sorry for myself about how i will never find true love just sitting around. But everyone who gets to know me can't stand to be with me, becouse i am a hopeless romantic. I love to open doors, cook dinner, cuddle by the fire, and kiss through the nite. And since i don't drive a nice car and wear flashy clothes but I do enjoy nice things, i am put in such a god damn akward position in life. Why can't I jsut for once, have someone to be my hero, my night in shining armor. To ride up and take me to a happy place away from all this hurt. My heart yerns for love, my mind wishes for death. I am alone....for now.....and forever shall I be.
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