Stole this meme from both
riyirowe and
issahime so I'm going to have more than 5 and astrixed ones are ones that both chose.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
I have a couple freinds who are leos and they have this attitude that all leos are superior to all other signs. The main exception with them is me so Susan made me this icon to explain that I am their honorary leo.
*This was a photograph I took of myself and then painted over using a crappy version of photoshop. It turned out pretty good I think.
I'm pretty sure Rob made me this icon. Its awesomeness works on so many levels. Not only is it mario (Super Mario Bros is still my favorite video game franchise) but, it also has sparkles and says "super". What more could I ask for?
*This is an image from my new favorite manga/anime "The Wallflower". The main character is this girl who gave up on being pretty and loves scary stuff. She scares the holy living ***** out of everyone she comes in contact with.
Another image from "The Wallflower" The main character like me loves to cook. I think it say's "Tuna" behind her. And she is basically attacking this giant fish all samurai style.
This is a character from yet another of my favorite anime/manga's "Fruits Basket" It's Hanajima. Besides I like badmitton and I think the phrase "Shuttlecock tease" should be on t-shirts.
There days when I don't feel depressed and I actually feel pretty. So I needed an icon to go with it and I adore the artwork from so I used her image to express how I was feeling. I really need to find some way to buy her book
So this is my icon I use to express my hope that some day I will be sexy like that. The dancer is actually from a belly dance show that I bought on dvd "Shimmy" her name is Adalete (probably misspelled). She was born in China and is now a Canadian citizin and one day I hope to be able to dance half as good as her.