Which Nightwish song are you?
END OF ALL HOPE "Turn off the lights and let me pull the plug"Suicidal, depressed, anguished, fragileLife sucks. I suck. This quiz sucks. Duh. Whatever. Alright, hopefully the news that Nightwish or --insert favourite band here-- is coming to your country will brighten your otherwise skulking mood. If not...I'm afraid you're a hopeless case.
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Grab Code Hmmmm, how perplexing. Perhaps the answers I gave were somewhat strange, but this does not exactly describe me. I prefer to think of myself as somewhat evil and eccentric rather than dour and sulky.
On the other hand, who cares? I got my favourite Nightwish song, LOL.
*goes off to make some other people dour and sulky with my evilness*