Jul 27, 2008 00:34
Where on earth do you come up with these topics for discussion, doctor? Well, at least this is an interesting topic.
Insanity, whether it is a reality or a matter of opinion is one of my dearest areas of interest. I have done research on it for years. Do I believe there is such a thing as insanity? Yes, of course I do. There is too much evidence of it. Do I believe that everything humans classify as insanity is in fact insanity? No, I don’t. The problem lies in two different elements of assumptions among human estimations of sanity. First, that it must fit within their morality. Second, that it must fit within what might be expected from a group of social prey animals.
Fine, we’ll cover my belief of my own sanity as well. But not just yet. It only helps if you understand sanity as I see it. Give you a litmus test for my own judgments of myself, and all that. Glad you agree.
I suppose the best example I can think of is Bobby. He believes himself insane and ‘mentally defective.’ I don’t see it. I haven’t told you about Bobby, have I?
He’s my lover, quickly becoming my best friend, my fiancée, father to all my children, letting me become another mother to his children. He’s also a serial killer, clinically considered a psychopath. You winced quite sharply there. My candor on that subject bothers you. Deal with it. This isn’t about you and your comfort level. It’s me trying to get a handle on things.
Now, where was I? Ah yes, why I don’t think he’s insane. He thinks and acts like a predator. That isn’t a symptom of psychoses. There were two types of human in order to survive the first part of your existence. The sheep and the guard dogs. Modern society is centered around the sheep. The morals, the faith, not to kill, not to be rough. Necessary when you get large groups of people together in tight spaces. But they don’t allow room for those who are not sheep. And no one would call Bobby a sheep. That doesn’t mean he isn’t sane. Just that he has a mind that functions differently than most.
I suppose that explains my view of my own sanity as well. The problem is there is no reliable measure of sanity among Fae. We don’t even begin to think like you do about so many things that the most stable amongst us might be considered mad. Within the parameters of normal for the Fae, I am almost scarily sane. Within the parameters of human world, I’m almost as frighteningly mad. So take your pick, doc, I really don’t care which I am as long as I can function.