As the crazy dodgeball girl from yesterday came up to me in the locker room and threw my entry in my face and informed me that I had just made my life a living hell, I made a decision. (Also I tried very hard not to laugh at her.) I am reeeaaaaalllllyyyy tired of people in my school finding this and reading it and not realizing that YES it's online but it's still MY JOURNAL and taking mad offense. So. From here on in, as much as I HATE to do it...friends only. I'm too lazy to make all 530 of my old entries friends-only, though. Add me and I'll probably add you back, unless you like Fall Out Boy, are a camwhore, or are boring.
EDIT: that is all out of date and high-schooly, but it still makes me laugh, six years later, so I am leaving it. Oh dear.
This used to be a FAQ-type thing, but I did away with that, because that is lazy! Okay.
I am Karen and I am twenty-four and I don't do very much. I have OPINIONS about things. I read a lot and I post here a little (weeklyish) and I obsess about politics a lot and I watch a lot of baseball and I hang out with my ridiculously amazing boyfriend when I can. I work two days a week at the public library, putting away books. When I am not doing that, I hang out at my house with my parents because my mom is disabled (we were in a car crash a few years ago and she is a paraplegic) and needs a fair amount of help. This is fine. I am bored a lot. Man, I am selling myself here! OKAY. Well.
I've been dating a dude named Kyle since May 2007 and he is the absolute total best. HOWEVER, he is in his last year (probably) at the University of Illinois, which is a four-hour drive from me, so I see him on weekends and breaks. I try not to whine about that too much because of how awesome he is and how I don't want to sound, you know, whiny. But yes: Kyle. The best. Trust me here. He is pretty much the only person I hang out with other than our friend Sarah and her dude, and also sometimes our friend Ann. These people all live far away, though! I am lonely! It is terrible! Oh well.
I love politics and am a giant flaming liberal. One time in sixth grade, this girl and I shouted "REPUBLICAN!" "DEMOCRAT!" at each other for an entire lunch period and missed the meal. My style of debate has evolved a little bit since then, but I am still that stubborn about things I believe in. Yeah, I watch Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow every night, but I don't read Daily Kos. So. But anyway, I talk about that in ranty, irritated fashion. I am also a grumpy feminist and that gets ranted about a little bit, too.
Books! I read a ton. I have a separate journal for that:
pixleyanthology. It gets updated when I remember. I have a tattoo from A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and Dave Eggers is my favorite. You should ask me about the time I met him. I read anything that isn't terrible and tend to get stuck in tunnels of similar reading material, usually by accident. Sometimes it is feminist dystopian science fiction, sometimes it is pulpy young adult mysteries. I am trying to find a not-lame way to say "books are really important to me! Don't add me if you don't read!" but I'm not coming up with anything else.
I talk about baseball a lot. I'm not going to apologize for that. I have been a Cubs fan since I was born. Like, literally, one of my first memories is sitting on the floor of my parents' room watching a Cubs game. This is something else I am not going to apologize for. If you don't like baseball, that's fine, but a) you should know that it's going to come up a lot and b) don't fucking announce that you don't care about sports and that you always skip those entries, because not liking sports does not make you a better person. For fuck's sake, people.
I write a lot of open letters to people or entities unlikely to respond. To Glenn Beck and my jaw and people in parking lots who don't know how to use parking lots and nature and newspaper comics and commercials. If this is something you enjoy,
welcome aboard!
I usually have a few public entries up, and this is more to keep track of who is reading my journal than anything else. I have a creepy stalker tool enabled, so if you're reading this? I know. Spooky!
So that is pretty much it. Also my public entries. And my interests list, which is kind of...whimsically edited and added to. There aren't any bands listed in it because I am way too flighty about that, and because I hate when people's lists are just hipster band after hipster band. But for the record: yes the Smiths (I have a cat named Shankly), and I have seen the Hold Steady eight times and counting.
(Last edited 8/1/09.)