The bitch next door

Jul 13, 2015 23:06

SO  some fesity, ballsy women just love referring to themselves as bitches, betches.... seeing as many of the claim to be feminist, I find this ironic. I know it's meant to be used in a playful manner but I just find it derogatory and distateful. But I mean whaever you and your man got going on in the bedroom, that's your business. You do what you want.

It seems that this persona of bitch is equated to "edginess" and often associated with certain qualities.... such as go-getter, self-sufficient, rebellious, good in the sack and so on and so forth... Again, Yes, I understand it's meant to be used in a playful way but it just sits wrong with me and is a further dumbing down of society, especially women. Because then what happens when that woman that thought being a bitch was cool until her new boyfriend calls her a bitch for an various reason...

It's one thing to be an outspoken woman who wants equal pays and demands respect for her livliehood. I can dig on that. What I can't dig on are these woman who are oh so cool and really just nasty trying to turn bitch in to a cool, popular, womanly way to be.

Let's dissect the work bitch for a moment




  1. 1.

    a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter.


  1. 1.

    express displeasure; grumble.
    "they bitch about everything"

    (1) Word used to describe the act of whining excessively.
    (2) Person who rides specifically in the middle of a front-seatting only car meant for 2 passengers or less.
    (3) Modern-day servant; A person who performs tasks for another, usually degrading in status.
    (4) Term used to exclaim hardship.
    (1) "Stop bitching Todd!"
    (2) "Can I ride bitch?"
    (3) "Bring my friend and I some vodka bitch"
    (4) *Peron tells story to other cellmate, depicting how they came to be there, cellmate says* "Ain't that a Bitch!"

These are all very negative connotations unless you happen to be a female dog, fox, wolf, or otter.
I should quit my bitchin' right?? 'Cause that's what women do. They complain right? Life's a bitch right?
Here is the thing though, you can be assertive without acting nasty, without name calling, without putting people (including yourself) down. Even though the word has socially been altered, you can't take the way the word has been used and its conotations because those feelings and definitions are ingrained in our brain, in our DNA. The bitch mentalilty, as coolness, has got to go. it is hurting the overal cause for women and women too.

I mean even the guys get a cooler word for "friend, brother," Unlike my fellow bitches, they get to be brahs.

I am not a bitch but I am a woman. An assertive woman who isn't afraid to speak up for myself and others. I believe in equal pay for equal work. I believe a woman has a right to affordable health care, to choose what's best for her body, and to not have her health rights be invaded by politicians.

society, betch, bitch, bitch bragging, dumbing down society, bitch complacency, self harm

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