Me.Quizilla.I was bored.

Mar 14, 2005 20:02

Spike and Buffy


Which Spuffy

fanfiction cliche are you?

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you by Quizilla

We Are Amazed!

How Big of a Buffy Fan

Are You?

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How well do

you know the Buffy tVS?

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by Quizilla

You are Buffy. The leader of the Scoobies.

really need to go give Spike some loving. Okay?

Which Buffy Character Are


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Your ideal guy is SPIKE!!!

You and spike would be a perfect match, spike has
the obvious good

looks and is totally hot! and
who cares about that little thing of

being a
vampire anyway, you and him would be perfect

Who's your Buffy

Boyfriend? (with pics!)

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by Quizilla

Oh my God! You know Buffy like the back of your
hand. You have been

found worthy.

Are you a real Buffy fan?
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There's one word to describe you - strong.
You can not

only beat up anyone that comes your
way, but you have a strong

personality, too.
And that's a good thing, because you

justice, the last line of defense between the
world and utter

destruction. Don't let the
stress of your job get you down. Get

really supportive friends and maybe a Yoga
regime or

Woo hoo! You rock, you Hardcorer, you!

Are you a hardcore 'Buffy' fan?
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you may

Obsessive Freak!

How Obsessive Are You Over Buffy?
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