Okay, so
this video has been floating around Facebook lately, and this morning I finally broke down and watched it. Not only was it much more amusing than I had anticipated -- to the point that I found myself laughing aloud a few times -- but it also made me think of a pet-peeve that I am almost constantly dealing with when it comes to winter-related Ace Attorney fanfiction.
See, most of the Ace Attorney fanfic that I've read takes place in LA; the English names are used for the characters, and, more often than not, the fact that they live in LA is mentioned on more than one occasion. So why, oh why, do most winter/Christmas fics involve snow?
PROTIPS: Phoenix and Edgeworth live in southern California. As the video above makes abundantly clear, in southern California a high 55 degrees is considered a cold snap.
I guess winter is a time of year that differs so much depending on where one is that it can be difficult to even imagine -- or think to consider -- what winter someplace else is like. I remember having it pointed out to me when I was a wee rper on Gaia that my yaoiboy character was actually lounging outside in the snow with his "friend" -- not on the grass in the sun -- because neither I nor the other character's player had taken into account the time of the year or the fact that our characters were supposed to be in Japan. We were both from the south, so it simply hadn't occurred to us to think about the weather, since weather in the south pretty much boils down to "rainy or sunny." Even now, after I've lived all sorts of places with "real winters," Seattle is providing me with a winter like I've never experienced before (and a much preferred one to the frozen mess that was New England).
BUT STILL. The point here is that someone pointed out to me fairly early on that weather is something that, y'know, varies, and even when you're just writing for casual pleasure, it's going to stand out and look odd if you don't take the local weather into account, especially if your oversight is so egregious as to include snow in a fic that takes place where temperatures in the high forties are considered an "arctic blast."
Maybe next time I should just leave a review when I encounter something like this in fanfiction... but hey. For once I felt like writing a DW entry, so there you go; I'm not going to fight it.
Now, off for the rest of my morning~
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