Good morning, shiny new Dreamwidth.

Jan 22, 2012 05:48

...and of course, good morning to you too, trusty old Livejournal to which this entry will be crossposted. ♥ You will never be forgotten.

Honestly, I don't have a particular reason for migrating. It's what people are doing these days, I suppose, but at the same time, links to Dreamwidth accounts have been popping up with increasing frequency for a few years now at least -- along with links to other Livejournal substitutes -- as people have chosen to switch sites for one reason or another. There's no real explanation for why I chose to get a Dreamwidth now as opposed to one of those other times, except for the fact that the LJ-based roleplaying world seems to have split fairly definitively, and as I've been poking around for a new game to join after a long break in my roleplaying endeavors, I've found that DW has enough to offer rp-wise that I might as well not miss out.

Of course, since I'm not cutting myself off from LJ completely, I don't really need a personal journal here on DW, but hey. Maybe it's also time for a fresh start? I don't know. It doesn't feel wrong, but it does feel tidier, in a way. This would have been my ninth year on LJ, and while I certainly don't want a new journal, eight full years of baggage is a lot to tug along behind me as I try to figure out who Mab is at this point in my life.

Oh yeah, that too. I've started a new chapter in general now that I've graduated, which happened at the end of December. Over the past few years, I've often wished to write more regularly in my LJ -- a fact which I believe I've mentioned several times in writing. Unfortunately, I never have been able to get back into the journaling groove. Part of the reason may be due to the fact that I was so unhappy at school; why bother recording my thoughts or anything of actual substance, I figured, when most of what I'd produce would sound like a broken, miserable old record?

And so I lurked, using LJ for the occasional rant or fandom-related comment. Now, as in the past when I did decide to write anything of substance, everything I type feels a bit stilted. I'm out of practice, you see. I've too much to say and not enough, and so you get a long, rambling entry of no apparent goal as I attempt to reacquaint myself with writing that isn't geared towards academia. This all feels a little forced. I'm paying way too much attention to my grammar, wondering if I'm using too many commas or if my choice of wording is too formal, informal, or too much of a mix as I struggle.

I guess that's just part of the process.

Anyway, I used to write a lot in the morning back in high school, so I might try to do that again as I attempt to work out at last some semblance of a routine for myself. My schedule has, as always, been all over the freaking place. So bear with me, flist. (Can I even use that term anymore?) Hopefully I'll stop sounding like a pretentious academic out of her element and more like a normal kid writing in her blog with just a bit more practice.

Until then,

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

writing, roleplaying, new beginnings, lj

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