I missed the Anzac Day services because I had to work, but I went wandering after work and saw my very first ever diplomatic licence plates car, complete with little flags, one US and one Diplomatic Service, parked down the municipal amenities street of my little town. EE, they have finally finished the street revamp down by the library, barring putting some plantings in the new garden area. Come spring it should look very restful.
We are wondering whether we should rename our Thug Boy 'Greebo'. He is currently under veterinary advice for his second scratched eye this year, and Madam and I have to corral him twice a day and put anti-bacterial drops in his eyes. Luckily he's generally a docile boy. Generally....
Writing is going slowly, but at least it's happening. Reading is going better, and I'm having a bit of a binge on The Professionals - my very first slash fandom. :-)
The sweetie texted me last night to inform me that she'd made lembas. Apparently whatever recipe she hunted up is fairly biscuit (or cookie) like. Between baking in her 'own' kitchen, and politely turning Mormon missionaries away from the door all by herself, adult life seems to be under control.
ETA - also, today I saw the geek hierarchy in action. Apparently, making lembas bread is far more geeky/nerdy/worthy of mockery than spending obscene amounts of money on the special editions of Bioshock and Assassin's Creed so that you can get the pretty extras. Yeah, sure, my eldest, you keep telling yourself that....
This entry was originally posted at
http://mab-browne.dreamwidth.org/286913.html. Comments are welcome there too. :-)