Ramblings #109--OH MY GOSH!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Apr 17, 2009 21:30

So... That thing was fantastical!
Well... I'm too tired to type everything again. So here's the convo I'm having with Whitney. lol And it's under a cut for longevity. (lol if that's the right word xD I'm too excited to care right now)

xemorawrzx: DUUUUUUUUDE!
xemorawrzx: I'm haaaaaaaaaaaappy~ ^^
annclan18: why's that?
xemorawrzx: well, first of all, I asked Chris at the end of the day. He said he was busy but he asked for my number
xemorawrzx: so then he called when he got home and we talked for an hour
annclan18: aww
xemorawrzx: and he invited me to the youth center thingy in Fairland
xemorawrzx: so that's where I've been since 6 30
annclan18: awww, wow
xemorawrzx: and he gave me a hug
xemorawrzx: ^^
annclan18: haha aww. what did you two talk about on the phone?
xemorawrzx: just... stuff lol
xemorawrzx: nothing really
xemorawrzx: it was nice
xemorawrzx: like one of those you don't really ahve to be talking type of things
annclan18: awww
xemorawrzx: oooooh, and you know how in tv shows, the guy goes behind the girl to show her how to do something?
annclan18: YEAH
xemorawrzx: lol well guess what
annclan18: NO WAY
xemorawrzx: lol YES WAY
annclan18: WHAT'D HE DO?!
xemorawrzx: he was showing me how to position my hands on a basketball (which would have easily been done just standing beside me :3)
annclan18: haha aw. but he had his arms around you?
xemorawrzx: yeah
annclan18: oh my goooosh.
annclan18: lol
xemorawrzx: lol
annclan18: he sounds like a sweetheart.
xemorawrzx: he is dude
annclan18: haha aww. he totally likes you dearie
xemorawrzx: ^^
annclan18: and you like him
annclan18: aw.
annclan18: i'm so excited
xemorawrzx: lol
xemorawrzx: I bet you are
annclan18: i aaam
xemorawrzx: he said he'd call tomorrow too
annclan18: AW
xemorawrzx: lol
annclan18: oh my gosh!
xemorawrzx: lmao I wish I could see you right now
xemorawrzx: xD
annclan18: lol
annclan18: oh my goooosh
annclan18: he sounds so sweet
annclan18: ahhhh
annclan18: lol
xemorawrzx: lol
xemorawrzx: he iiiiiiiiiis
xemorawrzx: blah, I had an episode where I couldn't breathe though and it sucked
xemorawrzx: >_<
annclan18: like.. what happened?
xemorawrzx: nothing, the guy doing the lesson started talking and I couldn't breathe
xemorawrzx: and it's liek I didn't say anything until he was done talking x3
xemorawrzx: cuz I thought it'd be rude or osmething
annclan18: lol gee whiz.
annclan18: you could be dying but nooo you don't say anything cause it's rude
xemorawrzx: lol
xemorawrzx: shut up x3 lol
annclan18: who did you tell? what did you say?
xemorawrzx: I didn't tell anyone until Chris asked if I was okay
xemorawrzx: and I said I jsut had a little episode
xemorawrzx: so we sat on the couch for a minute or two
annclan18: AWW. he noticed that you weren't okay.
xemorawrzx: x3
xemorawrzx: lol
xemorawrzx: You're jsut gonna keep saying 'Aw' aren't you?
annclan18: yeeeees
annclan18: oh my gosh
annclan18: it's so cute
xemorawrzx: LOL
annclan18: it's like uber romantic
xemorawrzx: lol
xemorawrzx: I wouldn't call it romantic... cute is more like it
annclan18: i'm seeing, watching a relationship grow!
xemorawrzx: lol\
annclan18: AHHH! i love it!
xemorawrzx: xD

Aaaaaand that's my story for now.


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