Sunday was not much of a day followed by a good night out at DKY (
see pics @ the Two Truths). Monday was likewise a non-entity of a day, which tailed off as I went to see another not-so-good horror film, this time "An American Haunting". Bad film, avoid it if you can.
Tuesday back to work. A bit hectic without my manager around. Wednesday followed suit, except that I met up with Lorena after work. We chatted at the pub for a while, before Alix joined us, and we saw the not-exactly-wondeful "Scary Movie 4". Alix took the piss out of "The Village" and I refrained from throttling him. For now.
I have began my not-so-scientific light meter testing, in order to have a proper knowledge of how IR will work. Will be watching the fire point practise sessions on Sunday and/or Monday evenings, to get a better idea.
Next Sunday night will be Beltane itself. After that, on Monday morning, I will be travelling southwards to the Midlands. My parents (now both retired) have moved house, into a larger and cheaper place out in the country. So; I am to visit them for a week.
Lorena will be back in Aberdeen soon, before the weekend it seems. After that I am giving clubbing a miss for a while; may well go to Cyberia / Bitch when it is next on but other than that will be concentrating on other things for a while. Tis spring, after all ...
I have been falling over a lot, recently, due to tripping over MSG-containing food stuffs. Seems that I need to be much more careful at checking ingredients in things. Meh.