Writer's Block: American Censorship Day!

Dec 02, 2011 02:03

The answer is obvious: NO.

The worry is that the government may just ignore what the people have to say and implement it anyway. But that is not what I ultimately fear. What I fear is that if this bill is implemented, is that a large majority of people will be far too placid and simply shrug it off and try to (once again) 'adjust to the system', since they hate standing out due to lack of courage. If this bill passes, my hope is that there will be a global revolt in retaliation to the passing of this bill. This bill is easily exploited, and you are a fool if you believe that the government will not exploit this bill to their benefit. Twice the fool if you think that people who have government positions do not exploit its laws to their own benefit.

Once more, no. And forevermore, no. This bill should not get passed.

writer's block

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