Jul 30, 2008 19:32
Suppose you find a few jars of salsa, about 10 months past their "Sell By" date.
Do you...
(a) Open 'em along with the slightly expired tortilla chips and have a snack? 'Cos hey, that spicy salsa is pretty much auto-antimicrobial, nothing will grow in there. [1]
(b) Toss 'em wholesale in the trash.
(c) Pour the salsa down the garbage disposal, then recycle the jars.
(d) Keep the jars! Those things are great margarita glasses! [2]
(e) Pour the salsa in a colander, let the liquids drain out, then toss the chunks in the yard waste bin, and recycle the glass jar.
(f) Offer 'em to the frat guys next door during one of their loud parties.
(g) Set 'em outside where the wood stove was sitting when it got liberated.
(h) other?
[1] I know from experimental data that even at refrigerator temperatures, this is not true after the jar has been opened.
[2] OK, c'mon, enough for tonight, let go of the tequila bottle.