*insert witty title here*

Nov 20, 2005 23:06

Yay for me making an extremely personal and drunken post public on lj. haha. I have no recollection of writing it. But luckily Tom brought it to my attention...where it was quickly deleted. Ahh drunken moments...i love you.

Anyway. Hmm...i haven't really posted in a while...except for the above mentioned post.

I'm excited for Thanksgiving. I need to get the hell out of here. I think being away from here will help me clear my head and figure some things out. I'm so over this semester. It can go to hell.

On the positive side...last night was pretty entertaining...the parts I remember anyway. Getting smashed and singing along to broadway songs is awesome. It was insane. We started drinking at 10...I stoped around 12 maybe... Then Tom's like "Ariel's coming." I was like damn now I have to drink more. lol. She got here really late...i can't remember when...and I threw a couple more shots back like a pro. O yeah. Dude, Ariel's voice is kick ass btw. She totally wiped the floor with Liza Minneli.

And apparently I missed a photoshoot. That makes me sad. I'm such a picture whore. ...but I think I'm getting a digital camera for Christmas!!! I'm so excited. Now all my drunken weekends will be documented...then maybe I'll be able to remember them. YAY.

so since I can't really think of anything else to say...and i haven't done this in a while...i'm going to chat about my shows...

Desperate Housewives- I like it. The second season is a little lacking in the season one magic...but it's slowly getting it back. Gabrielle made me cry this week. The psycho Bree is with is really getting on my nerves. But way to go Bree for not taking the little psycho's shit. Is it me or is Mike the biggest dick in the world? Ok I get it...Susan betrayed him. But 1) who gives a shit about zach...he's psycho too...and I'm sorry but we reached the crazy quota with the pharmasist and 2) zach was talking all crazy about Julie...and you don't mess with Julie or Susan will fuck you up. I think I like Lynette's storyline the least cuz of her bitch boss. But it looks like Lynette gets the upper hand next week...so yay.

Grey's Anatomy- I love it. It's my heart. It's definitely climbed the "favorite shows" ladder. It's weird...Sarah and I always seem to be obsessive about the same shows at the same time. haha. Anyway... Meredith is my favorite. She is just so amazing. There was a scene tonight where she just looked like utter hell...but she was beautiful. Wtf? lol. McDreamy is bugging me a little...but like Meredith said "You wouldn't be you if you weren't trying to make it work." Bailey is hilarious. I want a hardass, sarcastic boss like her. Izzy is just the cutest thing ever. Alex is actually become a nice human being... George...i don't know...he's ok. haha. And Christina and Burke are awesome. They are so wrong for each other...but so right. Does that make sense? Bottom line: I love this show.

How I Met You Mother- I forgot to watch/tape it last week. The last one I saw was really good. It's getting better as time goes on. And of course I love Alyson Hannigan.

Gilmore Girls- I once again forgot to watch/tape it last week. But I'm liking it. Rory needs to get over her shit and go back to Yale. I loved teh Jess episode. "What are you doing? This isn't you!" I heart him. I wish he'd come back. Although I do like Logan...to a point. But his whiny rich boy thing is getting annoying. I, of course, love Lorelai. She is the best thing about the show. I heart Luke and Lorelai. I hope grandpa whips Rory into shape. We don't need another Emily Gilmore!
One of the best lines this year: Then Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise jumped out of the cake and told me how "AMAAAZING!" it was.

Lost- Love it. Anna Lucia is so badass. I hope they don't take her too far though. All the little cyber geeks are bitching about her. It's like "dude she was on the side of the island where all the survivors were being systematically tortured and killed. That might make you a little cranky as well." And I love that Echo didn't talk for 40 days to punish himself. I'm glad we're getting back to the main island people. I like Anna and Sawyer and all them...but i need me some Jack and Kate.

Veronica Mars- I haven't seen it in so long!!! *cries* I wish our frickin apartment had UPN. I think I saw the first episode...then the one that was on two weeks ago with Joss Whedon and the ANTM girl. Yay Joss. I'm sorta lost at what's going on. But hopefully I'll be caught up soon. But I'm sure it's going wonderfully. I can't wait for the Alyson Hannigan ep.

I don't think I really watch anything else...how sad is that? My amount of tv shows has diminished significantly.

ok well i'm done. now i'm off to find something else to entertain me.
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