Oct 31, 2005 22:07
It actually feels like Halloween is over...lol. cuz I did all the dressing up on the weekend.
I had a pretty great weekend. As I said I went as Domino Harvey. (Still have yet to see the movie...hopefully sometime this week...) Not very many people knew who I was...but that was ok. I had fun with it. I did get very excited when people did get it though. And got serveral "G.I Jane?"'s lol
Friday I went from Kate's, to the drag show (where I only saw the last 20 minutes...basically who won), back to Kate's (where I got yelled at by some assholes over the intercom thingy as I was getting Kate to buzz me in), to Jess'. I was all over the place...walking in the freezing cold. But I didn't feel it. I was nice and warmed by the alcohol. lol.
Sat I went to a party in my apartment complex. It was nice to be able to walk there. I had a blast. I was there til 4 in the morning...which then became 3 (stupid daylight savings!)
Yesterday I saw Donnie Darko...finally. It was interesting...cuz I watched it on the day that the world was coming to an end...acorrding to the movie (oct 30) When I realized that, I was like "whoa..." lol. Although, the movie takes place in '88. But that's beside the point
so anyway...the moral of the post...i had a good weekend.
I would post who I thought had the best costumes...but I really don't feel like it. All in all I have to say...everyone looked great. I love when people go all out.