Comics that are actually good?

Jun 20, 2009 22:45

To make a long story short, I've had my reservations about "traditional" comics, aka the Marvel and DC type. This is mainly due to the fact that there are many writers, editors and artists involved with one character, which makes for ridiculous twists, hard to follow plots and even downright OOC moments (coughAllStarrBatmanandRobincough), not to mention that with some of the more popular characters (i.e. Batman) there can be several series running at the same time involving the same character, and you need to pick up several books just to keep up with the plot (or you are simply overwhelmed by the AU stories and lose track of the canon all together.

This is especially true for a casual fan like me, who doesn't want to buy zillions of back issues just to understand what is currently going on in a series. Not to say long running series can't be good, but they are certainly challenging to the new reader. There is also the factor that while comics are increasingly popular in Finland, many titles are still available only as ridiculously expensive imports.

However, due abarero's recommendation I've recently started reading Booster Gold (and trying to find issues of Blue Beetle), and I've got to say almost the very first page made me love the series. Why? Well, to take just one example...

BG and various incarnations of BB are observing Parallax, aka Crazy Green Lantern and his cohorts when they are noticed.

Current BB: Do you think they saw us?
Past BB: We're five grown men dressed in bright colors inside a clear plastic bubble set against a rainbow background, Jaime. They saw us.

Now think about that sentence, and tell me the first thing you thought of wasn't a "Gay Pride!" parade XD It's nice to have comic writers who are not all about angst and EXTREME!!! fights with unintentionally hilarious art (I'm looking at you, Rob Liefeld), but instead have a sense of humor about themselves while simultaniously managing to keep the characters IC. Not to say you can't have angst in comics, but I'm really not a fan of your 90's style violent, psychotic vigilante which for some reason people think represents the "deeper" and "more mature" side of comics.

Okay, rant over. This is just my first impression for now, but I think I'm going to love Booster Gold.
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