Jul 05, 2016 21:30
We ended up closing around 8:30 last night, so I left work around 8:35. Missed Jordan and Victor, but made it to the family gathering at Grammy and Grampy's in time to eat and see everyone maybe 20 min before everyone left for fireworks, lol. Was still good to see everyone briefly, though... Then I went home to see the dogs and make sure they weren't scared, though I figured they wouldn't be. Jackson was just barking trying to scare away the fireworks because he's gotta be the loudest thing in the neighborhood and Pepper jumped a couple times cause he didn't expect the noise but mostly just didn't care... I guess my dogs are badasses 🐶😎🐶
I finished the new season of "Orange is the New Black" last night. Wtfuck they doing killing ********* (in case you didn't see yet)?!?! and I feel like we need more episodes if we have to wait a year in between. I want more episodes anyway.
Got up kinda early and picked up Cody and his homie from Battle Creek and took them to Lansing, stopped at the clinic and dropped off Neeko (his homie) on the way to Czech's (that's their step dad... Sabrina's place, basically). Got all dirty and sweaty cause the hot tub cover thing in the backyard isn't very clean lol (showered before work, though, of course. And was kinda late cause that's what happens when you shower with your boyfriend. But I beat my manager there so it's all good)... Also, on that note, still no infection. And it's been a week. Something's wrong with Rambo, he should probably get that checked out... For real, though 😬
Having Saturdays only off makes it difficult to come in and get tatted for free/a decent tip on my day off 😫 Just sayin.