May 09, 2010 23:37
Just now, I mean, just 20 minutes ago because LJ was so damn slow loading, I caught Giratina using the FIRST thrown ball called Quick Ball. WTH. I bought 100 ultra balls and 100 revive and calculated the turns it would make before it would struggle AND THIS IS ALL I GET!? ...I even trained my pokémon half the day. Stupid luck...
Welcome to the party, Giratina, oh mighty balancer of worlds who could be caught with a single quick ball :D
...Yes, I'm talking about Pokémon Platinum.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOKOCHO!!! I know it technically isn't your birthday anymore for like one hour and a half already....and that I've been online all day long....but YEAH! I like how Peter Pan has PAN in his name closed yet another fruitful year and is opening a new one full off surprises....even for him. MUCH LOVE: EIGHTERS TO YOU~♥
Good night,everyone! Don't climb the stairs facing the opposite direction! And for Philippine registered voters, unlike me, DO VOTE WISELY because the future is not suppose to be filled with fluff. askldfjdgklfjasd; Let's go for someone who could actually do something....CHRISTMAS would be the best choices :D