this bunny is wild. it lives in our backyard with the other 23090324893 rodents. i found whiskey playing with her (him?) in the bottom of the back steps, she was trapped in there because it's dug down into the earth and she couldn't climb out. so i picked her up and put her in the garden, whiskey went after her, and after me yelling quite a bit to DON'T EAT THE BUNNY DAMN IT! LEAVE ITS HEAD ON (erm, we get a lot of headless moles for "dinner" from kitty)!!! this is what happened. perhaps kitty thought, "she is my squishy and i shall call her squishy and squish her!"
also, i was no more than a foot and a half away from them while taking the photos, and the bunny was not the LEAST bit freaked out by either me or whiskey. so either it's the tamest wild bunny ever, or the dumbest.
despite the overwhelming cuteness and apparent friendship whiskey and the baby bunbun seem to have going on, i can't help but imagine this is the train of thought occurring in these photos:
bunbun: are you my mommy?
whiskey: mmmm, smells like dinner! i feel like bunny tonight!