here are the photos from my last walk.

Jan 27, 2017 18:00

I wanted to walk up the river where it is going through the city but got very surprised to find out that the river is not covered with an ice even when it is the fourteen degrees below the zero around and minus twenty five at night...

Interesting military car is on the top of a garage and one else is looking working on the ground...

strange thing...

Somebody had built the house on top of a garage - why not, we don't have a lot of free land in Russia, don't we? :)

The river is free of ice down there. It is view on our local port which is not working most of the time but the weather was so dull and darkness was falling that I had decided not try to walk down those day.

Some little house which turns on the side but looks alive anyway...

The water is a life even when it is cold around...

The old fence of a local convent.

Here I am on my father factory to give him some document.

It is the place where we were celebrating the New Year...

My father at work...

Some degree of order could be fantasised here...

The working equipment which is actually from last century, I think its age is thirty - forty years at least...

Here I an feeding my fishes with other fishes which I had bought for myself but didn't like it much...

I am here somebody eat me!

Yeah! Here we are!

half an hour and it was finished...

winter, fishes, walk

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