Before yesterday...

Nov 04, 2016 17:27

I had got out of my cozy warm flat to show my son some museums in Moscow. We had started our trip to Moscow by old bus at four o'clock in the evening for ten dollars. Two hours and we were in our capital. Some people are driving like that five days a week to get to their jobs and I hope I will after a week.

photos of our not so comfortable bus...

Outside the windows the snowy sceneries of houses, small cities, forests, fields is fling by...

When we came we had waited at McDonald’s cafeteria for my wife and friend to complete out band. My friend had attended several free excursions at Moscow and wished to show us some interesting places. We had used Metro where children behaved as monkeys which drove me crazy sometime. And after we walked at some secret and sometimes even locked Moscow's yards where I would never got in if it is not my friend's help. Did some unprofessional photos because didn't take no stand for the camera and my hands were trembling as leaves on a cold wind. But I hope they could show the mood of this walk.

our happy band...

Paintings on walls look like you got in some magic world.

Pigeons are sleeping on the wall's ledge.

Archway is so clean there is just one yellow gas pipe.

My nephew.

My friend is going forward like tank and showing to us new yards.

out of focus...

Here I saw a car evacuation. Guys asked me twice - "Do I have some problems", obviously wanting to take my camera out of me but I told them so dumbiest thing twice and it worked cause they forked off me.

After we got to "Detskiy Mir" shop for children. I wasn't there for at least ten years and was very surprised to see so many changes. Unfortunately my camera's accumulator had died and I didn't make many beautiful photos there, cause when I had charged my camera the working time of shop was over and we should to go out.

Inside of "Detskiy Mir" children were very happy and asked me to visit it else sometime.

Big Theater. I can say something interesting about it. In nineties there was a prostitution spot for young men before it. I had known about it from one Ukranian student. He was living in our student Hotel and after two years he told me that he is a gay and sometime had visited this strange place to get money or rich friends, I think. He had a dream to get to MGU but couldn't make it although was very bright and talented student and during his studying at institute was working with some famous Ukrainian Profesor in a real chemical laboratory. After he couldn't get to MGU he left Russia and I saw him only once briefly after. I am absolutely sure he had got to Europe.

out of focus...

Here all things were going on for somebody. While I am walking here with my wife and son...

Children are playing...

big city, photos, moscow's never sleep, moscow yards

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