Sad news...

Nov 01, 2016 11:00


Sad to hear that the populations of vertebrate animals have decreased in abundance by 58 per cent from 1970 to 2012. Certainly the human population growth is to blame. Just looking around we could see the fast agricultural fields and no forest or lakes where the animals could live. Humans want to eat and all the measures are useless to stop this war. I had been constantly reading news from Asia where animals are killed after going to the cities but when human go to the forests to cut it and make new agricultural field no one see.
Forest could consume the sun energy much intensively than any man made field and because it is more efficient for our planet. But we don't want to wait to think about the benefits. We want to get some corn and to kill every insect and bird which will try to steal something and this logic is understandable. But if not do something about the nature will do.
The forests are keeping many waters, purifying them, do not let the soil to be washed away. While we destroying all the system which was in a balance for thousands of years and get in the end a desert full of nothing. The rise of hurricane, fires show without any doubts about these fail actions but not many countries could start go in the opposite direction. To try to make areas which could contain as many animals as people while it is possible. My wife's grandmother had told me that even in Chuvashia which nine hours from Moscow there were many animals just twenty years ago. Much more birds, mammals. Now the picture is different. And I doubt the problem is in pollution. We have here in my city so called ecological disaster when our wastewaters were going out right into the forest. Some hectares of forest had died but so many animals turn to this land - storks, ducks, beavers, wild boars. I was so amazed to see such big birds they were flying like dinosaurs. But again, the problem was solved, the swamp had dried, the animals had gone...
I am planning to build something for animals, some pond for the frogs, newts, fishes. Some building for the birds and bats. But of cause my efforts looks like a drop in the sea but anyway I will feel myself much better even doing something small like this. I don't know, maybe in future I can be more efficient. My wife want to grow big cats while not letting me to buy one dog at a time. It is her dream from childhood. She was asking me many times to buy one big cat but I am constantly telling her that it is a madness it eats so many meat that we should make some meat plant first.
Although the idea is growing up in me and maybe after ten years I'll buy more land to manage it, to have some wild animals...

extinction, animals, nature,

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