
Nov 02, 2015 01:47

I've drove to the Moscow the day before yesterday with my wife and son to see the Tretiakov gallery. The plan was to visit a couple of museums and have a little walk at the center to shoot some night photos. And as always something has got on my way to accomplish a photo session when the weather was really fine. The air was crisp and clean from a moisture and it was possible to see far away.
Well, this time my relatives hadn't dressed up the appropriate clothing for a cold weather and after half an hour my wife told me that it is an absolutely surprise to her that I had any plans to walk the city and shoot some pics - oh baby... So, after we'd attended the gallery we've drove by the Metro to our car which we'd left on a free parking lot on the outskirts of Moscow and drove after to visit my classmate which is renting a flat on the other side of Moscow.
Gallery was as wonderful as always. I had been seeing it through all my student's times and have got my beloved pictures. My favorite paintings are the complex historical landscape with a nature, sea and with the many people on it. Together with wife, we can watch them for eternity what couldn't be said about our son, his legs became aching and he has started to fight for every sitting place with the caretakers, if I am right at using this word.

Every time I am visiting the gallery I can be exhausted and tied and I am getting an energy, a good mood and I have a desire to do something beautiful and useful after the visiting it.

Twenty minutes we were waiting to get in the museum because of security measures.

People pay an entrance fee to the cashier...


The sculpture of Gogol...

The interesting painting which shows a room full of paintings while I am getting a photo of it... ;)

The portrait of Dostoevsky...

Modern art. The fireplace by Vrubel.

Jesus Christ...

When we got to my friend we had been speaking a lot of things, drinking Vodka all night long. Next day our wives with the children went the modern 3D musical which they've liked so much and we with my friend were drinking a beer to make a day easier for us.

photos, moscow, art, paintings, capital, gallery, russia

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