
Oct 10, 2022 13:47

I don't know what this means but, I hope, Putin has decided to cut out Ukraine army on the West from European supplies chains. It will be the end of official war with Ukraine only...

good news )

news, war, ww3

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Comments 43

matrixmann October 10 2022, 19:00:41 UTC
Hm... If there's some truth with it, it would explain the mass of strikes in the extent as they happpened today on many Ukrainian cities.

Although, it would be very well possible that the clown would fall for the idea of opening up a front in that direction too.
There are just quite a chunk of similarities on him as a person to Hitler... (Actor, failed artist, a bummer in terms of politics, economy and war, and there is the topic of drugs on the table (proven for Hitler, Zelensky is only claimed by one side).)
In the end, it also broke the Third Reich's neck in the war as they attacked more than they could handle at once and its leader had absolutely no idea about how to do war on an operational level.


maadmike October 10 2022, 20:15:16 UTC

“Hm... If there's some truth with it, it would explain the mass of strikes in the extent as they happpened today on many Ukrainian cities.”

Actually I don’t think these strikes have something with possible operation to cut the west Ukrainians from the European boarder. As our mass media is telling strikes are just our response to their terrorist act on the Crimea Bridge. Though, I do think, these strikes could slow down a little the Ukrainian attacks on the South and North East directions while we are making our, declared 300000 mobilization which could actually be 1000000 mobilization and it would be right. Because the new mobilized Russian soldiers need two months to be trained and to be transported to the fronts and so on…

The more frighten sings of our future possible North-west operation could be the huge preparation which Ukrainians are doing on the North West Belarus boarder direction - it looks like their or better to say the American secret services are telling to Ukrainians that Russians are going to attack there…

“ ( ... )


bluemeanybeany October 10 2022, 22:56:28 UTC

so again. I do question: if the USA wanted to start the war, for USA benefit….why is Putin and Russia doing what the USA wants?

Surely Russian NOT invading Ukraine would have been the smart move for Russia if that were true.


maadmike October 10 2022, 23:28:09 UTC

“so again. I do question: if the USA wanted to start the war, for USA benefit….why is Putin and Russia doing what the USA wants?”

So, again and again I am answering you that you should put yourself on the place of our modern leaders - I am telling specifically about many leaders because we have a lot in many sectors - economical, military and so on - think about that tomorrow some hundreds of years yours British part of land will be made - without any referendum - separate and after some years the enemy for British country state where people will be firstly forbidden to speak English and secondly will be forced to kill all former British citizens which would be against this common violation of human’s rights while corrupted authorities will cover all the mass murders… and at last the artificial leader of this new state, former comic will tell he want to make a nuclear weaponry and to start war with other parts of British…

Yes, of course you couldn’t imagine this happening at UK or USA cause authorities will never give up willingly ( ... )


bluemeanybeany October 11 2022, 21:59:54 UTC

The problem is trust. Nobody trusts Putin.

Even if the treaty is Russia gets Crimea, Donbass and Luhansk, then everything else is agree to be Ukraine. That could just be a trick for Putin to rebuild his army and supplies and invade again later to try and get the entire of Ukraine again. Or invade someplace else.

The idea that somehow the entire of Ukraine is going to remove all military infrastructure from Ukrainian soil is insane. The idea that somehow Europe is going to remove all it's military infrastructure is also insane.

Just because Putin demands it, or else. It's not a demand anyone can accept.


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