If anybody interested to have a glimpse of what is going on on an average Russian site.
I have made little pics of my gone to sea bro in law's site while was watching for it, which means was grabbing everything is possible, I have even stolen one his duck to my site but I'll tell about it maybe later.
Inside greenhouse. Peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers.
Tobacco bushes.
Zucchini, cucumbers, various salads, onions.
New way to grow strawberry.
Through the very dry summer and absence of artesian hole on bro in law site and only 5 meters well which gives 400 litters a day, the land looking as if it is desert...
Kind of meat flower... Bro nearly not feeding these birds and while he asked his classmate to watch for them, his friend is in share of two Goose, so he has got very impressed with new work falling on him and plus absolute absence of food. So, I had brought ten kg of oats and took to my site one duck which was alone in of its kind and has problems with getting to food bucket.
That's all now.