(no subject)

May 14, 2021 04:17

from Russian https://olegmakarenko.ru/2137818.html

The small problem is that the dollar inflation train has already reached the slope and rolled down. Wood, for example, has risen in price several (!) Times over the year. Here is the stock data:
March 2013 - $ 380
May 2020 - $ 350.
November 2020 - $ 480.
May 2021 - $ 1,670
The widespread belief that US homes are made from sawdust is generally correct. Soaring wood prices will add about $ 24,000 to the average home price. Other wood products - furniture and paper above all - will also become more expensive. For the first time in a very long time, Americans will feel what real inflation is.
I quote from Crimson's telegram:
Dear readers, is it really cool when the mainstream media write about inflation (American, global, Russian), caused, among other things, by the "destruction of supply" (this is in addition to "printing the bubble" and other super-soft monetary policy)?
For example, the New York Times:
Here's CNBC:
Premier Mishustin:
“Mishustin noted that the pandemic has increased the risks to global macroeconomic stability. "The accumulation of debt took place in both the public and private sectors. This was largely due to the continued soft monetary policy in the largest developed countries for a long time," he said. According to him, low interest rates and unsecured money on the market have dispersed inflation in the world, including - increased the cost of food. "
I am asking in what sense: you read about covid inflation more than a year ago right here (link), and it was written when the financial mainstream and "patriotic economists", together with the IMF, were hovering about "deflation! Deflation! No inflation!" and also demanded a reduction in rates, refusing to understand the consequences.
Now the mainstream, both in the West and in Russia, believes that this is "temporary inflation" in our country and, in general, "will dissipate by itself." Well, let's see.
At least one specific example, at least one reputable American bank, explains that everything is not so simple. And your humble servant adds that the same "everything is not so simple" applies to a large number of commodity markets in various sectors of the world and Russian economy:
It will be interesting to see how the global financial markets (together with the academic economic mainstream) react to persistent inflation. In my opinion, the most likely option is that they will try to ignore it officially. Statistics will write off everything, paper will endure everything.
I would like to blame all the problems on the socialist Joe Biden, but smart people have been writing about dollar hyperinflation for more than 10 years. Irresponsible politicians flooded the 2008-2009 crisis with printed money. This became a point of no return - if somewhere before 2012 the dollar economy could still bite off its own leg and get out of the trap, now all chances are completely lost: inflation of hundreds or thousands of percent is already inevitable.
As Crimson rightly noted, so far "analysts" write that everything is temporary, that quarantine will soon be lifted, and prices will either go down, or at least freeze at new levels. Personally, I doubt it very much. It seems that it is Joe Biden who will become the Gorbachev who, in the eyes of the American people, "will ruin everything."

And I am thinking to myself wtf...  are we living in computer simulation Matrix and as it was told somewhere sometime long, really long ago that USA will have the financial collapse at 2021 ... ?

I am... of course against all bad and for all good but wth ... it is anyway interesting if all our world is just somebodies dream watched long ago if ever...

life is a dbitch, usa, dollar

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