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Dec 18, 2020 19:06

Part two of my small summer - autumn doings.

So, after I had finished the wall I disassemble the concrete rfamform of first floor slab and cleared from garbage the basement froor - this was the pure rest to compare it to the wall making...

The cleared image of the basement...

Some berries i was using for meking tea...

After, at September, I think, I had started to make the first floor walls. Using the boards freed from the previos basement frame form.

Lonely mushroom I saw on the forest road to my site.

The delivery of building materials.
I have decided to make the first floor walls from the expanded clay concrete - the price I‘d got for one square meter of this material is around 38$, the walls width is forty centimeters. We had spent on all the walls around 1.5 thousand dollars.

The occasional photos of our little party with my primary school mate at the house he is renting near my site.

the reinforced concrete slab above the door and the windows with the electricity wireюююю

Future ventilation...

Little changes of our cooperative road...

Here my friend is visiting my house on his road from the capital to our city for the first time to check the walls.

After it was the late September, it seems, the nights and even days have got very cold, so I repaired the circular saw which my bro in law had presented me to make the woods for my furnace...

The food I grew up on my site. It was quite a delight to prepare the potatoes with the young zucchini taken right from the beds

Future ventilation for the future fire place and furnace boiler.

Steady, ready, go! One else wall!

Getting out the last plastic film to make the last first floor frame form!

This is November and we have got the minus temperatures at nights, so I had started to warm up the water for concere making, to let it solidify faster...

Several casual pics...

The car windows have got covered with ice rain... The beath of the winter...

my small autumn doings, buildings, autumn

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