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Comments 6

gonzo21 May 5 2019, 11:09:32 UTC
Now they just need to pass a law that says people must go and help other people out with their building projects at the weekends. :)


maadmike May 5 2019, 19:21:15 UTC
Ha, ha, yes that would be a last nail into my pessimism in Russia but as I told before I am happy to work on my own and there were and are many people wishing to help me but I want to finish my project alone as possible, just for the record that it is not s difficult task to build a house. Plus I had studded so many things about as myself as about organising a working process... Though I have to admit that all wondetful things are here to end one day and I am now thinking what to do next...


matrixmann May 5 2019, 16:39:45 UTC
In particular, such acts with the passports are only condemnable in the West if they don't do it for people of their choice.
Basically that's it. Nothing else.

Good to hear that they passed such a law in the RF... Whatever made them do it in the end.

I guess, politicians here would have never got upon such an idea.
They're stingy as fuck and got a pretty long stick up in their asses - in whatever issue it is.


maadmike May 5 2019, 19:11:52 UTC
"Good to hear that they passed such a law in the RF... "

Yes, it is, you know, a celebration for common Russians to take in account the coldness of our winters and high prices on fuel here in Russia supplying so much fuel to third countries and huah, people could collect dead woods for their own interests... Of course, it is that as I wrote thousands of hectares of forests has burned out, some are still burning and hundreds of hectares were devastated by parasites and threatening to contaminate other massives, so maybe this has forced our governnent to let people use ling dead trees... I don't know... Actually, thete are many programs in Russia aimed to help families to build house. One, I've heard about is that every family having three children could demand a site for free, other that every Russian family has rights on fresh woods to build a house and these ate only I know but ceryainly there are others... I don't want to build a house from wood... Maybe there are some programs to help a family to build a bunker!? ;)


lab_jazz May 7 2019, 08:21:48 UTC
the late huge forests fires, the late epidemic diseases of forests causing hectares of forest have died,

I'm assuming that the above is due to the contribution of global warming hitting Russia


maadmike May 7 2019, 18:16:51 UTC
"I'm assuming that the above is due to the contribution of global warming hitting Russia ( ... )


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