(no subject)

Aug 28, 2017 04:04

I have to state sadly that the summer is over though it was the great summer anyway - first month was rainy and incredibly cold but the next two were wonderfully warm and sunny. If not to count that I’ve spent all the summer on my site instead of having trips around the country as usual I had the excellent time while working, listening music and audio books, sunbathing and swimming at new places with friends and family. I could had drive somewhere but decided to dedicate all my time for a potential house and I am not sorry about. The summer is at its end and I am waiting for a great autumn, I don’t know why but I am sure it will be warm, sunny and excellent too, maybe I am thinking so cause I’ll finish all the urgent workings on site and will become free to do something new… but no - I have to finish my septic/well before the frozen temperatures will fall on our lands. Maybe to think out a trip to some warm country at winter… Vietnam or something, before finding a work, I don’t know I have to think about it - where I want to go what lands I want to roam. Friend is asking me to make a company to him to Crimea - he is a military guy and it is forbitten for them to fly abroad now - we are preparing to war, I think, but I somehow tied of our South resort service I certainly want to change the rest location. Sister has just come from Greece and she is very happy to be there - saying she doesn’t want to live there - the people are very poor and there is no work but she likes to be rich enough to has an opportunity to fly there now and then.
So, summer… is over, one summer else has gone… the rain is falling intensely outside the window tomorrow will be fourteen degrees and constant rain, I am feeling that the smell of autumn is becoming to fill the air and strangely I am glad to meet the red-yellow colors.


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