Jun 25, 2008 09:23

So, guess what I did??

Stole Hiro's car and painted it black! OMGI'MSOSMARTHE'LLNEVERFINDIT!!

Seriously though, i am now the proud, much in-debt, owner of a black 2007 Nissan Versa. OMG WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?! AND SQUEEEEE!

And besides being about a step away from calling the two sides of this argument Nikki and ikkiN Jessica, i have another delema.

What the hell am I going to call it?? Cars must have names!

So here's what i know, he's a boy and i'm a geek. So he will probably end up w/ a name from Heroes... but is he cool enough to be Hiro? I was thinking Ando, but then i think Lando, and then i ended up in Star Wars Land, which is a really odd Xover of the brain.

so i turn to you, my lovely flist: NAME MY CAR!

halp!, heroes, car

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