Photos from The Feeling...

Jun 10, 2007 17:45

Well, the decent ones anyway.
For some unknown reason I became convinced I didn't have to use flash, so half of my photos were all blurry...VERY annoying considering beneath the blur they are really cool - there was one of Dan mid jump :(

So, in no particular order...
(Although how many layers Dan is wearing gives a clue as to how far into the show it is!)

Funktastic piano, but a bit dingy:
(He does look a bit evil, doesn't he? Darn red eyes...)

Again, flash made it very dark, but still pretty cool. Not sure if I used any zoom for it...possibly a teensy bit.

I'm very annoyed at myself for not making this landscape...

Possibly my favourite. No zoom :D

With zoom, obviously! But only optical zoom was needed, no digital. Yay for being at the front! He's kind of looking the right way...

And singing his lil heart out...

...and there we go!
Wish it were 8 days ago!
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