(If only they accepted) The Reality Show

Jan 24, 2007 22:25

Just finished watching another round of auditions on American Idol.  It's like America's greatest renewable resource*: there are always new, more horrible people auditioning and I am constantly surprised by just how awful they are. Plus, no one ever wants to admit that the reason they don't move on is because they suck.

No, instead they must blame the system, and the failed contestant gets all riled up because the judges on the show are, like, you know, JUDGING, and saying that they're bad and stuff, when the truth is the contestant is just a person, just like the judges are people and they have NO RESPECT for all the work that the contestant has done and TOTALLY THE JUDGES SHOULD JUST PASS THEM ON MERIT, BECAUSE COME ON, LOOK AT ME!!

Since when did the role of judge not include any actual judging?

Since never.

But on every version of the 'talent' show this is the constant lament of the truly awful contestant. OMG THE JUDGES JUDGED ME AND WHO SAID THEY COULD DO THAT?

Dude! You did when you signed the application form!

And I totally spotted perhaps the most entitled "So You Think You Can Dance" auditioner EVAH in the musical montage segment ... and as bad a dancer as he was, he was twenty times worse as a singer.

I can go to bed a happy woman.

*or crack. There are arguments to be made on both sides.

tee vee

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