Oct 17, 2008 13:52
It's official, the Red Sox are the Comeback Kings! Now why couldnt they do that on Tuesday when I was there? I spent $100 to see them lose pretty badly, funny though b/c the last game I went to that they lost was the 2004 ALCS against the Yanks and it was 19-8. Hopefully we'll have a repeat of '04, and '07 for that matter. I'm not going to lie, I turned the game off last night after the 6th and I was watching Chelsea Lately when I heard my mother scream at the top of her lungs only to find out it was all of a sudden 7-6. I proceeded to call and wake people up to put the game back on and make sure Vegas was still watching. This is why I'm a Red Sox fan, sure they stress you out but they pull through in the end most of the time!
My sister and Jim are finally home from there honeymoon. Not going to lie I kind of miss having Tonka around. I came in from class yesterday and went to the back room to let him out only to realize that he wasn't there. My mother walked in from work and goes umm where's Tonka? She won't admit it, but she liked having a dog in the house! Nicole tells me that Tonka has been getting into a lot of trouble as he has been molesting Dunkin, I don't think my friend Tonka would do such a thing though.
I got my test back, and I got a 69. I wasn't really that shocked, but i don't think I expected to do that bad. I had a meeting with my Professor on Tuesday and he said to bring the test in and he'd go over it again. I totally missed a midterm on Wednesday because I was throwing up all night the night before. I have no idea why, all I can think of is the Sausage from Fenway, but it tasted really good, and Alex didn't get sick so I'm stumped! My professor hasn't E-Mailed me back yet about making up the midterm so I'm getting really nervous that he might not let me. Ugh, I'm so sick of school.
I found out some disturbing information, that in the back of my head I knew about but I finally got confirmation. I guess it explains why my family is the way it is sometimes, but at the same time it's changed pretty much everything. I'll never look at the things the same way again. It's really putting a strain on certain relationships and my life for that matter. It kind of makes me angry that pretty much everyone but me knew and I kind of had to find out by snooping around, but lately I've realized that a lot of people keep a lot of things from me. I don't really know why but I can't stop them so whatever.
Totally stressing about graduating and what I'm going to do after. We're trying to plan a trip for spring break out to California to maybe get a clearer understanding of things, but since its spring break plane tickets are really expensive. I have to figure something out soon though, because May is fast approaching.
People have been getting mad at me really easily lately, or at least it feels like it to me. I'm probably sending off really bad vibes though since I'm kind of stressing about alot. I apologize to those that are mad at me, I'll make it up to you at some point in time I promise. I've just been really busy, I feel like I don't have time for anything. Yesterday I took a nap, and when I woke up I was like a brand new person it was amazing! I'll try and nap more often so that I'll be in a better mood.
Pearl Street tonight after GOF. I'm pumped, I need a night out.
I'm going to read. pce